BioMaths Colloquium Series2019/20 (3 pm)
Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry (Bay) OR
Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences (Singleton)
(further 2020-21 talks were suspended due to Covid-19)
03 April
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Dr Stephen Cornell (Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool)
Title: Modelling evolutionary adaptations of cancer cells to fluctuating oxygen levels
06 March
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Ms Aleksandra Ardaseva (Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford)
Title: Modelling evolutionary adaptations of cancer cells to fluctuating oxygen levels
07 February
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Dr Zhao Feihu (Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, Swansea University)
Title: Biomechanics and mechanobiology for bone tissue engineering in vitro
29 November
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Dr Farzad Fathi Zadeh (Department of Mathematics, Swansea University)
Title: Signal detection and spike sorting in noisy time series using higher criticism
BioMaths Colloquium Series 2018/19 (3 pm)
Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry (Bay)
Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences (Singleton)
14 December
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Dr Chandrasekhar (Shekar) Venkataraman (Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex)
Title: Multiscale modelling of biological problem
15 February
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Dr Noemi Picco (Department of Mathematics, Computational Foundry, Swansea University)
Title: Modelling Across Scales in Development and Disease
04 March – 12pm
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Prof Alun Lloyd (Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University)
Title: After the Honeymoon, the Divorce: Unexpected Outcomes of Disease Control Measures
08 March
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Dr Thomas HG Ezard (National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton)
Title: Does developmental plasticity facilitate speciation?
15 March
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Dr Rebecca C Tyson (Faculty of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Canada)
Title: Rethinking the predator-prey relationship
12 April
Room: Robert Recorde Room, Computational Foundry
Speaker: Prof Byron Morgan (School of Statistics, University of Kent)
Title: Applications of Hidden Markov Models in Ecology
17 May
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Dr Miguel Lurgi Rivera (Department of Biosciences, Swansea University)
Title: Eco-evolutionary assembly in meta-communities
14 June
Room: Zoology Museum, Department of Biosciences
Speaker: Prof Stuart Humphries (School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, UK)
Title: Shape effects on microscale swimmers
BioMaths Colloquium Series 2017/18 3 pm
seminar room 224 Maths Department, 2nd floor Talbot Building
20 October
Speaker: Dr Thomas Woolley (Department of Mathematics, Cardiff University)
Title: Patterns, cellular movement and brain tumours
03 November
Speaker: Prof Jose Carrillo (Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London)
Title: Mean-Field Models in Biology and Engineering
08 December
Speaker: Dr Sanjay Pant (College of Engineering, Swansea University)
Title: Information sensitivity functions to assess parameter information gain and identifiability of dynamical systems
16 February
Speaker: Dr Yevhen Suprunenko (Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool)
Title: Mathematical analysis and simulation in ecology and evolution: A new model of isolation-by-distance that overcomes longstanding technical limitations
27 April
Speaker: Dr Katerina Kaouri (School of Mathematics, University of Cardiff, UK)
Title: The coupling of calcium signalling and mechanics: models and experiments
11 May
Speaker: Dr Sasha Dall (Biosciences, University of Exeter)
Title:Genes as cues: integration of genetic and epigenetic information from a Darwinian perspective
15 June
Speaker: Dr Tommaso Lorenzi (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, UK)
Title: Partial differential equation models of evolutionary and spatial dynamics of cancer cell populations
BioMaths Colloquium Series2016/17 (3 pm)
seminar room 224
Maths Department, 2nd floor Talbot Building
19 September
Speaker: Dr Chamakuri Nagaiah (Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austria)
Title: Large scale PDE constrained optimization of cardiac defibrillation
28 October
Speaker: Dr Daniel Strömbom (Department of Biosciences, Swansea University & Uppsala University)
Title: Modelling collective motion in animal groups
16 December
Speaker: Professor Mark Broom (Department of Mathematics, City University of London, UK)
Title: Modelling evolution in structured populations involving multiplayer interactions
27 January
Speaker: Professor John McNamara (School of Mathematics, University of Bristol)
Title: Towards a richer evolutionary game theory
24 February
Speaker: Dr Philip Murray (Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee)
Title: From discrete to continuum models of a multi-cellular system
02 March
Speaker: Dr Vivi Rottschäfer (Mathematisch Instituut, Leiden University, Netherlands)
Title: Towards a 3D distribution model of drugs in the brain
07 April
Speaker: Dr David Murrell (Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, University College London)
Title: Predator-prey biomass relationships: a role for predator density dependence?
19 May
Speaker: Dr Jon W Pitchford (Departments of Biology and Mathematics, University of York)
Title: TBA
30 June
Speaker: Dr Sean Walton (Department of Computer Science, Swansea University)
Title: Taming Nature Inspired Evolutionary Optimisation Algorithms
BioMaths Colloquium Series 2015/16 (3 pm)
seminar room 224
Maths Department, 2nd floor Talbot Building
13 November
Speaker: Dr Lloyd Bridge (Department of Mathematics, Swansea University)
Title: Modelling the impact of plant shoot architecture on leaf cooling: coupled heat and mass transfer simulations
20 November
Speaker: Dr Angélique Stéphanou (UJF-Grenoble 1, CNRS)
Title: A virtual tumour as a tool for Computer-Assisted Therapeutic Strategies
11 December
Speaker: Dr Christina Cobbold (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow)
Title: Effects of spatial structure on cyclic herbivore populations
05 February
Speaker: Prof Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova (College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, UK)
Title: Mathematical modelling of Ca2+ influx and calmodulin activation in dendritic spines: implications for synaptic plasticity
18 March
Speaker: Dr Mike Fowler (Department of Biosciences, Swansea University)
Title: Playing colourful games: evolutionary game theory in stochastic spatial environments
29 April
Speaker: Prof Mark Chaplain (University of St Andrews, UK)
Title: Spatio-temporal modelling of gene regulatory networks: The role of molecular movement
27 May
Speaker: Prof Sergei Petrovskii (Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, UK)
Title: Mathematical Modelling of Plankton-Oxygen Dynamics Under the Climate Change
BioMaths Colloquium Series 2014/15 (3 pm)
seminar room 224
Maths Department, 2nd floor Talbot Building
24 October
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Potts (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield)
Title: “Towards predictive models of animal movement and space use: a case study of multi-species bird flocks in Amazonia”
14 November
Speaker: Dr. Gibin Powathil (Department of Mathematics, Swansea University)
Title: “Computational and Mathematical Approaches in Cancer Modelling and Treatment Prediction”
05 December
Speaker: Prof. Richard Law (Centre for Complex Systems Analysis, University of York)
Title: Dynamic models of size-spectra, and exploitation of fish assemblages
06 February
Speaker: Dr. Stephen Cornell (Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK)
Title: Stochastic models in community ecology
20 March
Speaker: Prof. John Lygeros (Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Title: Estimation and control of cell populations
24 April
Speaker: Dr. Fordyce Davidson (Division of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK)
Title: Swimming Patterns of Zoospores
22 May
Speaker: Prof. Jason Matthiopoulos (Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, UK)
Title: Why are species distribution models so poor at prediction?
26 June
Speaker: Dr. Raluca Eftimie (Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK)
Title: Communication and aggregation patterns in self-organised animal communities
BioMaths Colloquium Series (Lent & Summer 2014: 3 pm)
seminar room 224, Maths Department, 2nd floor Talbot Building
21 March
Speaker: Dr. Michael Bonsall (Department of Zoology, University of Oxford)
Title: “Blood and Blastocysts: mathematical ecological thinking on developmental biology”
11 April
Speaker: Dr. Samik Datta (Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick)
Title: “I’m afraid he couldn’t BEE here (and other Simpsons jokes): modelling the spread of disease in honeybees in the UK”
30 May
Speaker: Dr. Ostap Hryniv (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University)
Title: “Stochastic models of ecological populations”